What if fear is just a bad storyteller? (+ Lucky you!๐Ÿ€)

Fear has a way of convincing us that we’re always under threat. That the hard conversation, the career leap, the big move, the vulnerability—whatever stands in front of us—is going to devour us whole. We’ll experience failure and crushing embarrassment or regret. 

But what if… we’re actually not on the menu?

I was in South Africa when I found myself standing in the direct path of three wild cheetahs. They moved toward me, slow and powerful, walking with a swagger and jaws slightly open. My heart pounded, and heat surged through my veins. My instant reaction felt wild and primal. 

My guide assured us we were safe. “We’re not on the menu,” my guide said.  My nervous system wasn’t so sure.

Then, something shifted. I remembered to breathe. I’ve always believed in the power of being the lowest heartbeat in the room. I took another deep breath and noticed the cheetahs were chill. My guide was relaxed. They weren’t hunting. They weren’t interested in us at all. 

As I settled into their calm presence, my fear melted into awe. They sauntered passed within arm’s reach—so close I could have stroked the top of their back.

How often do we mistake the unknown for danger when it’s actually an invitation—to pause, to trust our guide, relax, to step into awe instead of fear? So many things in life feel like a threat, but what if they aren’t? What if we’re not on the menu?

This is one topic we’ll be exploring in The Aliveness Reset: How to Feel Radically Alive & Aligned — Even in Tough Times.

Join me live March 17th, 18th & 19th @ 12pm Pacific for this free 3-part class, where we’ll talk about fear, awe, and how to shift from survival mode into deep aliveness.

Click here to sign up. 

This will be recorded. It’s a 3-part class to give you a boost of aliveness this week and every time you relisten.  

Know someone who could use this conversation? Forward this their way! 

Can’t wait to see you there, 



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