Embrace the Unknown: You Never Know What Amazing Things May Come Your Way

Years ago, I never would have believed that what seemed impossible could actually become reality. Back in 2008, I was working a job that offered maybe a week or 10 days of vacation. At the time, my boyfriend (now husband), Steve, was living in Japan, and I was dying to visit him. I wanted to go for three whole weeks, which seemed impossible.


Despite the odds, I decided to ask my boss. I negotiated to work remotely for a week—a rarity back in those days, and to my amazement, my request was granted! I went from having a week of vacation to traveling around Japan for three weeks. 


But WAIT, this story isn’t over. 


Months later, when I wanted to visit Steve again, I thought it would be absurd and impossible to take another three weeks off to visit Japan for a second time in the same year. I was almost embarrassed to ask, but thankfully I did! I proposed taking unpaid leave, and miraculously, my request was approved. 


What began as a belief that I could only take a week or 10 days away from work turned into a total of SIX WEEKS to travel around Japan.  


This experience taught me an invaluable lesson: ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT. 


Don’t let perceived limitations hold you back. If there's something you want, go after it. Apply for that job or promotion. Ask for the extra vacation or the raise. You might be amazed by what you receive, and it could be beyond what you ever thought possible.



Big hugs,




PS: Want help asking for what you want? 1:1 coaching can change everything. Sign up for a Discovery Session to learn how your life could be different from gaining clarity about what you want and ASKING FOR IT! 


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