I see your greatness

The other day, I was watching the new David Chang show on Netflix called *Dinner Time with David Chang*. At the end of the episode, they brought in his friend Christina Tosi, the award-winning pastry chef and founder of Milk Bar. David Chang is known for discovering Christina and encouraging her to embrace her greatness and think bigger. 


With tearful eyes, Christina said to him, It’s like you held up a mirror to me, and I was able to see myself and what I was capable of. You saw what I didn’t initially see in myself.


That’s when I shouted: “That’s EXACTLY what I’m trying to do for my Fireside coaches!” 


Great mentors hold up a mirror to help you see your greatness and potential, even when you might not see it yourself. This is how you can transform from feeling confused to truly confident in your coaching practice. 


One of the most valuable steps you can take is to get support from a mentor—someone who sees your greatness and can hold up that mirror for you. Equally important is having a community that reminds you of your worth and potential. Not a space with potential competition – no – one where it’s about elevating one another. 


These are just a few reasons why I created Fireside Mentorship for Coaches.


At Fireside, my goal is to hold up the mirror for you, to reflect your greatness, especially when you’re doubting yourself. 


This is a space where coaches come feeling confused but leave feeling supported by a community and confident in their abilities.


I see you. 


I see your greatness. 


And I hope you’ll join us so that I can share that vision with you at our Fireside meetings. With Fireside, we meet monthly to answer your questions, provide direct mentoring from me, and offer exclusive access to Fireside retreats. 


Oh! Also, when you join you’ll also get instant access to a huge library of binge-worthy resources and recordings. 


I can’t wait to hold up that mirror for you when you need it most. 


Click here to join us! 


Big hugs,



PS: Here’s what one Fireside coach wants you to know: 

“I joined "Fireside " for support as I embarked upon a year-long Corporate Coaching contract.  Sarah is a compassionate & inspirational Human & a highly intuitive Guide, Coach, & Mentor.  Sarah's mentoring allowed me to get clear & confident about who I was as a Coach & how I wanted to show up, leading from a heart-centered approach, be it in the corporate world and now, in my private Coaching practice. 

In our monthly gatherings ( plus, all the extra community chats!) Sarah shared endless expertise, insights & new skills.  The guest speakers were inspirational & the Fireside retreat, well ...THAT was magical. It was a year of endless support & guidance,  personal and professional growth, community, and FUN! If you're on the fence about joining, jump off and sit by the Fire, it's a sacred place to land each month & be reminded of who you are, be seen & supported, learn & grow, and support other amazing humans. I am forever grateful.” 

     - Dori H


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