Ready for ah-mazing surprises?

Happy New Year! I hope that 2020 is treating you well so far! 

Okay, I have a question for you (and please feel free to reply with your answers!)… 

If today were actually January 12, 2021 and I asked you to tell me about 2020, what would you tell me about the year? 

Let’s take our time with this one. 

Close your eyes. 

Imagine yourself in January 2021 looking back on 2020 and thinking about what kind of year you experienced. 

And… psst… don’t hold back from dreaming really good stuff! You are limitless and life is full of amazing surprises, so imagine what could be possible in 2020. 

What did you accomplish? 

What do you feel so proud of? 

What were your obstacles? 

How did you overcome them? 

What were some ah-mazing surprises? 

Write down your answers. Better yet, respond to this email right now with your answers (that increases the momentum of the energy you just created). 

When you look back at 2020, how do you feel

Write that down too! 

I hope that you feel amazing, limitless, abundant, connected with your truest self, and worthy (or any mix of sky-high feelings). 

If you don’t, let’s chat about it. 

Join me this Thursday @ 12pm Pacific on Facebook for “Leave Hustle Behind,” my weekly LIVE chat where we talk about leading with heart and living with ease. This week we’ll talk more about your future-self and how to make 2020 a year of EASE. 

Also, check out the FB Live I did earlier this week! I shared a different exercise on connecting to your future-self, which is suuuuper powerful! Click here to watch. 

I can’t wait to hear more about your 2020 and to connect with you LIVE this Thursday! 

Cheers to 2020 being a year filled with EASE!



PS: Know someone who could use some more ease in their life? Just forward this email to them. You never know how a few inner-wisdom focused questions could impact someone’s life. <3


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