The power of deciding

I’ll never forget when I was about to run my first marathon. The night before the race, we gathered for dinner where our coach gave an inspirational speech. He said, “There may come a time in the middle of the race when you wonder whether or not you’ll finish.” 


This statement threw me for a loop! Wonder whether or not I’ll finish? I thought. Huh?! 


Until that moment, it had NEVER crossed my mind that there was even a possibility of not finishing the race. It’s like the thought didn’t exist. I’d already decided that I would finish. What I didn’t know was how long it would take me, but I knew I was going to get there. And I did.


It reminds me of this quote I heard from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.” 


But, here’s the problem: many coaches face self-doubt and self-judgment. 


Self-doubt can make it hard to feel confident in your practice and business. You might question whether you can actually be successful. 


But here’s a secret: deciding is incredibly powerful. Decide that your desires are done. Decide that you are making your way there. And you will. 


Deciding on your own isn’t always easy, though, and that’s okay. 


That’s why I created Fireside: Mentorship for Coaches. This is a place where you can get support and encouragement from a mentor (me!) and a community. It’s positive vibes, brainstorming, and mentoring to help you feel confident when you need it the most. It’s sorta like having a bunch of runners running beside you in the race. 


Just as I crossed that marathon finish line, you too can overcome the challenges in your journey by deciding that your success is inevitable. Yes, there will be challenges, but by making the decision, you’re setting yourself on a path toward achievement.


Click here to join Fireside and get instant access to loads of content, resources, and recordings. 


The Universe will conspire to make it happen for you. Join us to get support in knowing it. 






PS: Here’s what one Fireside coach wants you to know: 

“Coming out of my coaching program felt a bit strange and uncomfortable. After an intense time with an incredible cohort of other coaches, mentors and teachers, all of a sudden that sense of community and being on a joint mission was fainting away. I was looking for several options but the continued community of coaches that I was looking for did not seem to be out there. Until Fireside!


With Fireside Sarah has not only created a safe space where she generously continues to  share her unique experiences, coaching tools and talents but also a space where wonderful coaches come together to exchange, learn and grow as coaches and even more so as humans supporting each other and our clients. I feel very much supported by Sarah and the Fireside community. I love how we are all unique and still united in our joint mission to bring coaching to more people and to make this world a more caring, loving and empathetic place where people can live their best possible lives.”

   - Thabea T.


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