What if it were a little easier?

Hey {{first_name}}!!


Life can be hectic, overwhelming, and full of challenges. But let’s take a moment to imagine: What if one thing in your life were just a little easier? 


Think about it. What would you choose? Would it be balancing your work and personal life? Finding more clients for your coaching business? Managing your daily stress levels? 


Identifying that one thing is the first step toward making it a reality. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of everything we have to do, but by focusing on one thing, we can create a significant positive impact.


Don’t try to do everything – focus on the ONE THING. 


It can help you go from confused to clear. 


And from clear to confident.  


How many things do we focus on? One thing. 


Want some help with the one thing? Fireside: Mentorship for Coaches is helping coaches like you go from confused and lonely to clear and confident. 


Sign up today and get instant access to a boatload of recordings and resources! 


What’s your one thing? 


I hope to see you there! 




PS: Here’s what one Fireside coach wants you to know: 

"I love Fireside so much. Thank you for creating this space, Sarah. These fireside chats have been healing in a way that I didn't even know I needed. I am so grateful for this space that you've connected to and the folks that have been drawn into your fireside orbit. Thanks for being you."

     - Britt T.


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