You want to feel EMPOWERED and a sense of EASE

It's time you lived it. 


STARTING May 9, 2024 AT 12PM PST

The Empowered Ease program helps you feel a deeper sense of aliveness and connection to your wisest self. We address big questions, like …

>> What if you used your inner wisdom, guidance, energetic field, and intuition to lead your life?

>>  How would your life be different if you cared less about what people thought? 

>> What if you felt a sense of confidence and ease in your decisions, life changes, and the messiness of it all?

>> How would your life be different if you felt connected to your soul's purpose? 

>> What if you rewrote the story about yourself?

>> What if everything that life is throwing at you became an opportunity for more tenderness and awakening? 

>> You’ve always been good at following the rules. What if the rules were all made up and you wrote your own rules?


Interested in the program but missed out this time? No problem! Enter your info here and you'll be the first to know when the next Empowered Ease course becomes available.

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Upgrade your life .

You’re ready to upgrade your life and live it more fully than ever.

You can and you will. 

What is Empowered Ease?

Empowered Ease is a program designed to transform your life from busy and stressful to confident and aligned, despite all of the craziness, challenges and hard things we face.  

Imagine: You, along with a small group of brave souls,  gathering twice a month to explore ENERGY, INNER WISDOM, THE MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT while designing a life you’ve always wanted to live. 

You'll experience a blend of the "practical" with a learning site, worksheets, audios, and resources and the "experiential" with somatic and intuitive exercises along with lots and lots of coaching!

You'll get goosebumps, laugh, cry, have deep conversations with amazing people, and leave saying "wow" because you're looking at life through a totally different lens. 

Join the wait list

Drop me your name and email and I'll contact you before the next Empowered Ease opens to the public. 

About Sarah


Sarah Papp is an expert in her field with over a decade of experience coaching individuals and groups from around the world. Sarah has experience in life, leadership, and executive coaching and has been hired by Martha Beck Inc, The Chopra Center, and Fortune 100 companies. 

She is known for her ability to straddle the "practical mind" (think strategy, planning, and next steps) with the non-linear, creative Higher-Self mind (think energy, somatic work, and inner wisdom). 

Sarah is a highly skilled, thoughtful, and dedicated coach who meets all her clients with a big heart and belief that change can take digging, hard work, and uncomfortable steps at times. She stays with you through the tough steps and celebrations. 

She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and Visual Arts from Sarah Lawrence College, a Master-level Certification from Wayfinder Life Coaching, and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) certification from the International Coaches Federation (ICF).

When she's not coaching, she's usually hanging with her family, out on a run, listening to a podcast, learning about something new, or cooking some plant-based yumminess. 

"Sarah’s course is life changing and well worth the investment. Sarah brings her vast expertise to each topic and there was not a single class I didn’t walk away with more clarity, inspiration or a new perspective. The content she covered has helped me grow in all areas of my life, especially within my relationships (family/work/self). I loved all the personal coaching from Sarah throughout the course and building strong connections with the other participants. It’s truly a one-of-a-kind, special class that you will be excited for each week!"

Caitlin Escobar, Conscious Family Living Coach

After taking the Empowered Ease program, you'll:

>> Feel more like yourself.

>> Feel alive and connected to your deep, inner wisdom and guidance in your life.

>> Know yourself and what brings you enjoyment, fulfillment, and purpose.

>> Unapologetically establish and hold the boundaries you want. 

>> Have a community of audacious, supportive, like-minded souls deciding to do this life thing outside the norm.

>> Believe in yourself and the possibilities of your life in ways you may never have ventured to before.  

>> Have more fun, laughter, and play in your life. 

>> Have an ability to tune into your energy and inner guidance when you really need it. 

>> Have the Empowered Ease Framework, loads of worksheets, scripts, and resources to help you with self-love and leadership, self-repair, mindset, body awareness, and more.  

After taking the Empowered Ease program, you'll:

>> Feel alive and connected to your deep, inner wisdom and guidance in your life.

>> Know yourself and what brings you enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose.

>> Unapologetically establish and hold the boundaries you want. 

>> Have a community of audacious, supportive, like-minded souls deciding to do this life thing outside the norm.

>> Believe in yourself and the possibilities of your life in ways you may never have ventured to before.  

>> Have the Empowered Ease Framework that will help you navigate your internal landscape while also getting clear on what you want, why you want it, and how you’ll create it. 


Interested in the program but missed out this time? No problem! Enter your info here and you'll be the first to know when the next Empowered Ease course becomes available.

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"I can’t say enough amazing things about my overall experience working with Sarah - and my time spent in her group. My life is forever changed - in the best possible way - because of this experience."

Samantha Knapp

What people are saying... 

"Sarah has a unique way of honoring exactly who you are, educating with her heart and compassion, while empowering and guiding you to be the best self you can possibly be."
"Her class was filled with so much love and acceptance that it made it easy for me to share openly and learn from others doing the same.  
I will forever have these amazing nuggets of wisdom, tips, and tools that I get to carry with me for the rest of my life. I feel well equipped to go through this life without losing my truest self in the process." 
"I highly recommend the program whether you’re just trying to cope with crazy life now or driving big changes for your future."
Samantha Knapp
"I loved being part of Sarah's program. Sarah is a wise and wonderful coach and guide. She helps you find your own answers, but they're the answers that come from the grounded, trusting part of you that is your own wisdom, rather than from your harsh inner critic. 
Even for seasoned coaches, Sarah is a coach that will take you to new places in how you see yourself, your world and what's possible for you. Sarah is particularly skilled at coaching within a group setting and you will get so much from being coached within a group by her. I'd encourage you not to see group coaching as a 'lesser option' in this case. The group format brought so much to the richness of this journey of the soul. The journey was SO worth it as from here the views are more beautiful than they would have been otherwise. Thank you Sarah, I know and trust that this is going to be amazing."


Interested in the program but missed out this time? No problem! Enter your info here and you'll be the first to know when the next Empowered Ease course becomes available.

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